Saturday, September 09, 2006

Thank you to my cousins-Julie, John, Caitlin & Lauren

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Todays my birthday and i'm one years old

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Its my birthday

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Me and Daddy

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Me and Mommy Posted by Picasa

My Aunts

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Hanging with my peeps

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Love these rides

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Me and Kimmi

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Honk Honk

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Me and Dini at Chucky Cheese

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Me and Daddy with BARNEY!!!

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Playin with Aunt Gay

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Very relaxed with Nana

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Blowin out candles with daddy

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See me touching that wild salamander

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More presents at my Aunt Gays

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So sweet, so so sweet

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Let them eat cake

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Uhh...thats for me

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This is one of my favorite books to eat

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Daddy helpin me open presents

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